E.A.T. Information Booth (1994) - Garnet Hertz

Approximate dimensions: 120cm(L) x 90cm(W) x 240cm(H).
Location: Murray Building at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada).
Materials: Wood, glass, lights.

This project was built to provide information on Experiments in Art and Technology (1967, NY) by building a small booth that was in the style of the work being produced by members of the group in the 1960s. A telephone-booth-sized room with a door had one side lined with mirror on wall, ceiling and floor, and small lights were strung to have the appearance of an endless vertical wall of lights. Directions on the outside of the booth instructed individuals to come inside of the booth, shut the door, and turn the lights on.

The exterior of the booth had a 2-fold leaflet on Experiments in Art & Technology, prepared from photocopied selections from K. G. Pontus Hulten's "The Machine: As Seen At the End of the Mechanical Age" (Museum of Modern Art, NY, 1968).

Garnet Hertz (1994) - http://conceptlab.com